Saturday, October 24, 2009

Andy Mara, Martha Bartels, Matt Pullen: Institutional Policies of Plagiarism

Andy: still teaching high literate practices in electrate world. Authentication: a way that we certify ownership. How do we authenticate in electronic cultures? Passwords? Electronic signatures? Identity theft = stealing words that authenticate people. What's wrong with teaching literate notions of property boundaries in an electronic world? They don't acknowledge the shift to digital, electrate practices. We are missing the chance to reimagine the ways universities authenticate students as college educated. Charette as authentic, event-based learning.

Martha: Why aren't non-profits using facebook? why aren't they taking advantage of free communication technologies. She found from a flood study that FB users are a little skeptical of information they get via FB; she has extended research to see what NPs are using FB (youth-oriented), which are not (older audiences). She is now researching what factors (besides demographics) keep some NPs from using FB.

Matt: did some interesting survey work to show that people are pretty hazy about copyright infringement and fair use right.

John Madden and Maureen Murphy: OLPC and Usability Assessment

John has been researching and using XO, including this article:

John has been running the laptop through its paces. Creates and share documents via email or mesh. Help document now available on wiki, and built into newer versions. Sees a great need for teacher training; notes the tension between the constructionist philosophy of OLPC and the set curriculums in deployments.

Maureen has been working on a usability lab in order to study online pedagogies (and possibly further applications--electronic medical records, for example). Funding and space were an issue; the EMR has been key to space and external funding.

Abram Anders and Dan Weinstein

45% of employers research potential employees; computer-mediated careers are the standard, not the exception. Great ideas for encouraging students to own their real-estate, own the first page of Google, use Google Analytics, keep content fresh, etc.

Dan has his presentation available: (pw: gpacw).
I am wondering if would be a good way to share class plans: outline the activities, leave room for notes, comments, questions, etc. I got playing around on the site, rather than taking notes. Dan did suggest a curatorial bibliography as a tweak on the annotated bibliography.

GPACW 2009: Keith Dorwick's keyonte

GPACW 2009 is starting with Keith Dorwick's keynote address, "Come Out, Come Out, Where Ever You Are! LGBTQ Teens and Twentysomethings' Self-Identification in MySpace and YouTube." Fascinating research project; Keith is collecting videos and analyzing them from various angles: coming out stories, homosocial rough-housing, and other topics. He is planning a book with a DVD that collects excerpts from the videos he is analyzing. Today he is focusing on coming out stories.

Men post much more frequently; men are particularly concerned with time (i.e. I came out on such and such a day), which Keith suggests is a control issue. He also showed one that he calls "take no prisoners": the vlogger says "I'm gay, deal with it." Says that is typical of younger vloggers. He occasionally talks about the community that has formed, the popularity of certain vloggers, etc.. Women to men transition vloggers keep testosterone journals: one talks about being happy with the transition but acknowledges that s/he is is loosing part of his/her identity. Also very specific about time--a masculine trait.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Planning an OLPC course

Book orders are due soon, so I need to commit to some materials for a graduate seminar formally titled "Rhetorics and Poetics of New Media;" the actual course focus will be the "rhetorics" and "poetics" of OLPC.

I'm debating whether or not to assign some broad, background readings like Larry Cuban's Oversold and Underused: Computes in the Classroom, Banks' Race, Rhetoric, and Technology, even Negroponte's Being Digital. The alternative is to dive into the OLPC website materials, the stories in the press, even the blogs, and just figure out: what are people saying about the laptop, the deployments, the mission, the future.

Any suggestions? Feedback?

Oh, methodology: Media Ecology.