Saturday, May 24, 2008

Session G: C+++: Concept, Challenges, Collaboration

Allegra Pitera: Videos from Detroit Mercy students are personal, historical, local: nice job of film without actors; all about the shot, the mood, the look. Good form for student videos. YouTube? Copyright issues?

Blythe Nobleman: image, music, text assignment. Describe a process through "film": IMT. Barther, Sontag's Plato's Cave, Berger's Ways of Seeing, Gombrich "Truth and Stereotypes." Interesting ideas for bringing multimedia into technical / professional class. Great example of a mathematical algorithm (phi) shown visually.

Dirk Remley: drawing on Michael Carter's "Doing, Knowing" piece from CCC 2007. CMS tools a medium for teaching collaboration, collaboration draws on research appropriate to their field. Outlined some challenges, but I'm fading.

Casey Boyle: wikispace also possibly transforming collaboration, but also conservative; innovation potentially gets edited out of collaborative composition.